Behind the Green Gates

Feline doppelganger observes and comments on war, literature, sex, mankind, biology, Afghanistan,
tree-hugging, music, art, God and gods, America, books, politics and the return of the Florida anole.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Great War

My Experiences in the World War Volumes 1 and 2For 7 boxes of books to sell at old Tampa Book Company, I instead ended up with a trade for the two-volume set of autographed, limited edition My Experiences in the World War by John J. Pershing. Hoo-ah! What a treasure. And for $300, one I surely would never have gone out and bought but for a semi-life's accumulation of books, well worth it. Thus far one of my favorite recurring themes is in the cooperation and support of the press. Believe it or not, they did not report the sailing of Pershing's staff to Europe. Unbelievable to imagine such national loyalty today. I'm reading it alongside John Keegan's Illustrated History of World War I so as to keep up with the politics of this silly, horrible war and while tragic, excellent reading to be sure.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Still Fighting

"We were no match for the German artillery. Those Germans were technologically advanced for being a small country. They had the best fighters in the world, the Fallschirmajager, German paratroopers and and the SS-Nazis, even the Germans were scared of them. They were fearless, raised as boys to live and die for Hitler. Germany was prepared and America was sound asleep. We didn't make plans for it, kid. ... I never expected to survive a day, much less the whole war." Fortunately, Bill, of Easy Company's Band Of Brothers did come home and tells his tale in this bestseller. What are the lessons to be learned about being a nation unprepared? How long did the German build up to WW II last? Almost a decade, we watched and snoozed. Our Commander and Chief today plays golf on Memorial Day. That's reassuring.