Did Reagan really say no country ever got into a war because it was too strong? He did according to Edwin Meese, discussing the dusting off of the good old "peace through stength" philosophy rumored to be coming back into vogue. Certainly nations may have underestimated their own capabilities or overestimated the weakness of their enemies but Germany built up a military colossus right out in the front yard at a busy intersection, announced they were going to war, applied all aspects of warfighting (from negotiating and treaties to outright invasion), and damn near toppled most of the important parts of the world. They were strong and knew it. We ignored those glaring facts twice, writing the mess off as unavoidable cultural deficiencies caused by (as pointed out years later by P.J. O'Rourke) sitting outside drinking tiny cups of coffee instead of sitting inside drinking large glasses of whiskey. I can't imagine Reagan saying someting that naive. Maybe I missed some greater point(s)? Can anyone enlighten me? Only Stalin, stating in 1941, that war with Germany was inevitable, felt strong enough -- in spite of his ill-advised officer purges -- to face the threat head on. He may have underestimated his readiness but he nonetheless mucked things up for a good long while in the Allies favor and rightfully emerged the second strongest nation on the planet. Of course, it's only fair to note that it's 'rightful' if you overlook political negotiations such as the one which forced Patton to watch the Russians "take" the Elbe River as he fumed in a lawn chair, probably drawing bigger, sillier mustaches on pictures of Joe.
Woo Hoo - the first to post on the spanky new web site.
ReplyDeleteWe cling to the notion that politics will void the need for war because we repeat endlessly in our heads "as long were talking were not fighting" which of course in most cases that's true - no fighting is going on because real warriors are garrisoned and the B52's are silent meanwhile people are being fed into giant shredders, children watching their entire families get butchered with rusty machetes, aid workers getting raped and thrown on ant hills, teachers are shot in front of their students etc. When a Canadian officer wearing a blue helmet is begging for an airstrike - politics has failed utterly and it's time to get your war on.
ReplyDeleteWell you certainly have read enough and have a wealth of information to share. I admire your strength to blog about tough subjects that many people don't have the ovaries to speak about. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember if Reagan actually said "peace thru Superior firepower" but if he did, it means nothing without "ABSOLUTE RETALIATION". Our current ROE's are designed keep the Honor Guard at Dover employed full time and the body bag makers busy. No war has ever been won until "you kill the enemy till he gets tired of dieing and he surrenders". Another one said "if you want to win the hearts and minds of people, first get them by the balls, the hearts and minds will follow".
ReplyDeleteWhoever said it, it's one of my favorites. You are absolutely right and expressed it well. Crush posted a piece over at Blackfive on Obama's recent comments. If we have a president who refuses to be at war when we're already in it, how is our military supposed to prosecute it successfully? And against what when there are supposedly, according to Oz, no real enemies just friends not yet made. Oh, and let's emasculate Israel on the way.
ReplyDelete"Knee in the chest - knife at the throat , that's how you negotiate". I don't know who said it but never forgot it once I read it. The best part is it works on nazis, commies , islamotards, the neighborhood molester etc.